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We are brand builders

We help founders determine their companies’ brand positioning, optimize digital marketing strategies, build awareness through PR campaigns, and innovate with new products

We are operators

We have the expertise to support entrepreneurs in building efficient supply chains, omnichannel distribution networks and successful teams

We are passionate about consumer brands
We are financial investors

We support our portfolio companies’ financial planning and capital raising processes to assist founders in building profitable and self-sustaining companies

Yanni Hufnagel

Lemon Perfect Founder & CEO

“There’s a short list of top-tier food and beverage capital partners for emerging brands; Melitas Ventures has positioned themselves at the top of that list, giving the Fund extraordinary access to early-stage deal flow.”

Steve Minisini & Jennifer Chow,

Nurture Life Co-Founders

“Alex Malamatinas and the Melitas Ventures team of operating partners and advisors are a phenomenal example of how to help make the founder dream come true. Melitas is truly setting a new standard in the world of venture investing.”

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